Heading to Ohio |
The Famous Flagin' Waaon |
Setting up shop |
Our home away from home |
Why you need to carry a flashlight to the loo
- to kill the bugs with! |
Getting the cars ready Sat AM |
The donut wagon makes his rounds |
Plotting and scheming |
Tied down and ready to go |
Towing Doug around for a recon lap |
That didn't last long! |
Gregg fixes a loose plug wire |
Back up to speed |
One of the Audi Coupes pits |
Taking the tire temps |
Some like to jazz it up a little! |
Mid-O is in the middle of cornfields.
Big cornfields. |
Bob met the concrete in his first race |
Heading into Madness |
Pushing through the Keyhole |
Missing one 924 |
Oh, there he is - fuel pump switch died |
Brent picks up the pace |
Doug isn't far behind - but later drops
out himself with a torn header |
There were some other neat toys there |
The Ferrari guys showed up en masse |
The Lambo guys were not to be outdone |
Mid-O is actually a very pretty track |
The repairs commence |
Pull harder!!! |
How NOT to use a Porta-Power |
Bounce! |
Recovering from a rough first day |
When you're stuck away from home,
you do whatever you have to in order
to keep the car running |
Todd celebrates his successful header repair |
Can I lick the windows now? |
Nummy! I like pudding! |
Back to working over the Nissan |
The girls leave the scene of carnage |
I'm stuck - somebody hand me my beer? |
Careful and 3-lb mallet are not words
that go well together. |
At least we're not beating on this one too |
Merritt makes sure we won't starve! |
Tasty AND healthy! |
Pretty end to a rough day |
But the party's just getting started! |
Roger shows us his preferred method
for waxing Doug's car |
Roger survived the night and gets
Bob's car ready |
Yes, this IS the After photo! |
Prepping 77 |
Time to get ready! |
Merritt refuses to leave the finer things
in life by the wayside |
Bob's back on track Sunday AM |
Bob coming through Madness |
Charging into Thunder Valley |
James Walker's old ITA car,
now driven by Jeff Lawton |
Puttin' the foil on |
Our new friends at HIPPI Racing |
Looking up at these guys while on track,
they look like the peanut gallery! |
The ITB field lines up for the start |
Leading a pack through Thunder Valley |
Excitement in the pit lane as an ITB CRX
pops a motor and makes a mess. |
Leading Dave Gran through Turn 1 |
Gran looking for an opening
to take back 2nd |
Post race chit-chat with one of the Blethens |
Doug and Vaughan react to the results
from the qualifying race |
Sunday PM pace lap |
Getting a nose up on Brent at the start |
Doug chasing Brent for the lead |
They finished in close order,
even after 22 laps |
At impound |
Final Sunday results |